You Can Buy Anonymous Cryptocurrency Monero in ATMs in Bratislava

CryptoDiggers, cryptoATM operator in Slovakia has recently launched sale of anonymous cryptocurrency Monero in its ATMs in the capital city. Crypto and privacy enthusiasts thus can now buy Monero directly into their personal crypto wallets in all ATM locations – Danubia Shopping Centre, Fresh Market, Avion Shopping Park and Bory Mall.

The introduction of the new cryptocurrency offer in ATMs is especially valuable because Monero operates on different ground compared to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Monero seems quite hard to obtain through traditional exchanges because of the lack of stable infrastructure. Enabling to buy Monero via crypto ATM was not an easy task to undertake.

You Can Buy Anonymous Cryptocurrency Monero in ATMs in Bratislava

Introducing Monero into crypto ATM

“We had spent much time studying Monero with only the test version of wallet at that time which was published on Github gradually. Developers had not published a lot of information on the web. We had to prepare it all by ourselves,” says Peter Bešina, co-founder of CryptoDiggers.

CryptoDiggers use crypto ATM machines produced by Czech company, General Bytes, which ranks among the best in this industry. “General Bytes provides open platform for backend that we maintain by ourselves with our own hardware. It was good that many java and php classes have been published for the past weeks. We were able to use them and these helped speed up certain parts of the implementation process.”

Unlike Bitcoin, Monero is one of the cryptocurrencies wherein almost everything needs to be built up from scratch. “Even sending payments from wallet works differently and it can take some people by surprise. Anonymity and freedom require radical changes not only in thinking, but in technology as well,” P. Bešina pointed out.

Euro to Monero for now only

Even though General Bytes ATMs are often two-way, meaning they enable buy and sell of cryptocurrency, it is only possible to buy Monero for fiat state currency at this time. Can anonymous cryptocurrency fans live to see the option to exchange monero for euro?

“We are dependent on General Bytes and their coin explorers with regards to other means of transactions. We have not achieved this part by our own, because it requires a lot of time spent on building and maintaining per currency’s own blockchain explorer. It is not possible to clone it out in any way in Monero as in Bitcoin and its derivatives,” P. Bešina explains.

CryptoDiggers ATM not in regional cities

Cryptodiggers is the largest cryptoATM operator in Slovakia, though all machines are located in the capital city, Bratislava. There is another installation that has been prepared in recently established Paralelna Polis place in Bratislava near Račianské mýto.

The company does not plan to bring ATMs out of Bratislava at this time, even though they had been toying with this idea. “We were considering other cities also, but we ran into problem of trust and cash-flow management here. We don’t want to allow third parties to enter the system nor companies like G4S, which could make the ATMs operation more expensive.”

You Can Buy Anonymous Cryptocurrency Monero in ATMs in Bratislava

Paying with cryptocurrencies still rare

The business of CryptoDiggers is not only in Bitcoin ATM machine operation. The service called CD Pay provides payment gateway for online shops striving to accept cryptocurrency payments. Even though the number of customers is growing, people are still not keen to pay with cryptocurrencies because of high volatility and misunderstanding of Satoshi’s idea, says Bešina.

“If people will not start using these coins for payments (with step-by-step buying up) it can bring sad future for cryptocurrencies. Now we want to fully dedicate our time to CD Pay solution since there had not been much time in the last months for applying innovation and developing other planned improvements. We want to introduce other cryptocurrencies, and Monero will be one of them.”

Anonymná kryptomena monero sa dá kúpiť v bratislavských kryptomatoch

Prevádzkovateľ kryptoautomatov na Slovensku spoločnosť CryptoDiggers nedávno spustila predaj anonymnej kryptomeny monero v jej automatoch v hlavnom meste. Monero tak záujemci môžu nakúpiť priamo do svojej peňaženky v OC Danubia, Fresh Markete, Avion Shopping Park a Bory Mall.

Táto novinka medzi kryptomenami dostupnými cez automat je o to cennejšia, že monero funguje na inom základe ako bitcoin a vačšina ostatných kryptomien. Aj pre chýbajúcu stabilnú infraštruktúru je monero pomerne náročné získať mimo tradičných búrz a zmenární, či ďalej s ním narábať. Ani spojazdnenie nákupu monera cez kryptomat nebolo jednoduché.

Anonymná kryptomena monero sa dá kúpiť v Bratislave

Sprevádzkovať kryptoautomat s monerom je náročné

“Veľa času zabralo najmä štúdium monera s novou, ešte vtedy len testovacou verziou peňaženky, publikovanou postupne na Githube. Mnoho informácií od developerov nebolo dostupných na internete. Všetko sme si to pripravovali sami,” hovorí spoluzakladateľ CryptoDiggers Peter “Buggie” Bešina.

CryptoDiggers používa kryptomaty vyrobené českou spoločnosťou General Bytes, ktorá patrí medzi špičku v tomto odvetví. “General Bytes poskytuje otvorenú platformu backendu, ktorý si spravujeme sami na vlastnom hardvéri. Bolo fajn, že sa zverejnenilo v posledných týždňoch viacero tried aj pre javu aj pre php. Tieto sme už vedeli použiť a pomohlo to urýchliť istú časť implementácie.”

Monero je jednou z kryptomien, kde treba vybudovať takmer všetko inak ako pri bitcoine. “Dokonca aj posielanie platieb z peňaženky funguje odlišne a niektorých to môže zaskočiť. Anonymita a sloboda vyžadujú radikálne zmeny nielen v myslení, ale aj technológii,” upozorňuje P. Bešina.

Iba predaj monera za euro

Hoci bitcoin automaty General Bytes sú často obojsmerné, teda umožňujú nákup aj predaj kryptomeny, pri monere sa zatiaľ dá iba kupovať za štátnu fiat menu. Dočkajú sa priaznivci anonymnej kryptomeny aj možnosti zameniť monero za eurá? “Opačným smerom ostávame závislí na General Bytes a ich “coin” exploreroch. Do tejto časti sme sa zatiaľ nepúšťali sami, pretože to vyžaduje nemalé časové náklady na vybudovanie a udržiavanie per mena svoj explorer blockchainu. Pri monere sa to nedá nijakým spôsobom vyklonovať ako pri bitcoine a jeho derivátoch,” objasňuje P. Bešina.

Kryptoautomaty CryptoDiggers mimo Bratislavy zatiaľ nie

Cryptodiggers je najväčším prevádzkovateľom kryptomatov na Slovensku, hoci všetky sa nachádzajú v hlavnom meste. Po obchodných centrách Danubia, Avion, Bory Mall a Fresh market má pribudnúť posledný obojsmerný kryptomat v čerstvých priestoroch bratislavskej Paralelnej Polis pri Račianskom mýte.
Mimo Bratislavy sa automaty CryptoDiggers zatiaľ nechystá inštalovať, hoci s touto myšlienkou sa pohrávali. “Iné mestá sme zvažovali, ale narážame na problém dôvery a cashflow manažmentu. Nechceme do systému púšťať tretie osoby alebo firmy ako je G4S, ktoré by prevádzku mohli výrazne predražiť.”

Anonymná kryptomena monero sa dá kúpiť v bitcoinmatoch Cryptodiggers v Bratislave

Platby kryptomenami stále slabé

CryptoDiggers sa však nezaoberá iba prevádzkou bitcoinmatov. Služba s názvom CD Pay poskytuje platobnú bránu pre internetové obchody, ktoré chcú prijímať platby kryptomenami. Hoci zákazníci pomaly pribúdajú, ľudia majú stále podľa P. Bešinu problém platiť kryptomenami z dôvodu volatility a nepochopenia myšlienky Satoshiho.

“Ak sa coiny nezačnú používať na platenie (s postupným dokupovaním), môže to znamenať smutnú budúcnosť pre kryptomeny. Teraz sa chceme naplno venovať CD Pay riešeniu, pretože posledné mesiace neostával čas aplikovať novinky a vyvíjať ďalšie plánované zlepšenia. Plánujeme zaviesť aj ďalšie kryptomeny, medzi ktorými bude aj monero.”